One of the tricks for beating procrastination is to have a lot on your to-do list. This way, if you're procrastinating on one thing, you can be busy accomplishing something else. This week I'm procrastinating on starting YA mystery 2, which must be turned in on Dec 1. I am all heeby jeeby about committing myself to 5 weeks of 1,500 words a day for the first draft in addition to the 5 classes I am teaching this term. So instead, I've been getting short stories out the door, and writing a grant proposal, and doing copyedits on book 1.
But I reached the lowest point of procrastination two days ago, when I cleaned the refrigerator. You know things are desperate when I'm cleaning the refrigerator.
Things could be worse. Truman Capote worked for 19 years on his unfinished novel Answered Prayers and then died. Ralph Ellison worked for 40 years on his second novel and then died. Writer's block or severe procrastination? You decide: It's All in My Head, by Jessica Winter.
Happy Friday to you, and may your weekend be most excellent! I hope you don't have to clean your refrigerator
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