Saturday, July 23, 2011


Yesterday I procrastinated on writing all day long and finally wrangled myself into nearly 2000 words.

Today I am procrastinating with the internet and by re-arranging my bedroom furniture. But I'm planning to get 2000 done anyway.  Plus editing. After a nap.

This article on procrastination is an interesting one, and I agree with the concept that self-control is a limited resource.  For the month of July, I have been concentrating a lot on healthy food.  That's paying off at the waistline, but my wordcount is only about 15,000 tops.  I also agree that self-control is like a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets.  Until one day you overstretch it to the point of uselessness, and then you eat chocolate all day and surf the internet until your eyeballs fall out of your head.. . or maybe that's just me.

23 days so far without diet soda!

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